AIL steps up on NB washouts from severe weather events
Post tropical storm Arthur and other severe storms made 2014 a very challenging year for the roads and bridges in our home province of New Brunswick. However, with our RAPID RESPONSE EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS program in place, we were ready to help restore some of the province’s washed out transportation network in very short order. In addition to our existing inventories, our Dorchester plant was mobilized for immediate manufacturing on a 24/7 rotation.
Ready when you need us most
In fact, with locations across the country, available inventories and in-house engineering expertise, AIL is Canada’s single source to fast track a wide variety of permanent or temporary structures including: Corrugated Pipe, Modular Panel Bridges, Structural Plate Bridges and Abutment/MSE Retaining Wall Systems.
Southeastern New Brunswick (District #3) was one of the hardest hit areas and AIL was able to quickly address several washouts for the New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Fast delivery for winter installation
Case in point: the image below is from an order we delivered within a week for twin Corrugated Steel Pipes with Aluminized Type 2 Coating (1.8 m diameter, 20 m length). Due to the winter conditions the crews only had enough time to install one of the pipes when this image was taken. The old culvert can still be seen on the left.
AIL stocks a large inventory of Corrugated Aluminum and Steel Pipe. Steel Pipe is available in Galvanized, Aluminized Type 2 or Polymer-Laminated Coatings with a design service life that can reach 100 years.