The AIL Group of Companies has licensees in key international markets around the world. ViaCon Sp. z o.o. Poland was recently involved in a significant twin-track rail tunnel project in Northern Algeria using Super-Cor with some unique features:
• Quadruple circumferential bolt connections
• 10 mm steel plate collars for the beveled ends
• Integrated overhead power line hangers
• Zinc coating, thickness conforming to EN ISO 1461 standard
• Interior polyurethane paint
• Exterior double watertight insulation
Prior to the Super-Cor installation, a reinforced concrete retaining wall structure was constructed to hold back the embankment on the high side. Once the foundation soils were fully prepared, the membrane was carefully laid out with protective matting for the active work areas.
Anchor bolts were incorporated into the steel collars to tie into the reinforced concrete collars.
The structure was designed for a live load of EN 1991 with a cover depth of 6.71 m under the road and 6 m in the remaining areas. Backfilling aggregate was compacted to 98% standard Proctor density. Seismic effect was taken into account with a horizontal acceleration ratio of Ah = 0,4. Design service life in this climate is expected to be 100 years.
ViaCon in Poland is a member of the ViaCon Group, established in Sweden and Norway in 1986 and made up of 30 companies based in: Austria, Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine.